Johnathan! I really appreciate your work and how you broadcast the importance of philosophy! I work as a chaplain, and I studied philosophy (mostly Karl Jaspers) in my undergraduate education.

I also really appreciate that you focus your work towards a subgroup of people with similar interests in deep engagement rather than mass appeal. It demonstrates much integrity on your part and your authenticity.

I like Marcus Aurelius, but I’m cautious about his ideas. The author Joseph Conrad (one of the most influential writers for me, although I’m aware of his controversies and the impacts they can have on people) said in his autobiography:

“I am thinking that it is an easy matter for an austere emperor to jot down grandiose advice. Most of the working truths on this earth are humble, not heroic; and there have been times in the history of mankind when the accents of heroic truth have moved it to nothing but derision.

Nobody will expect to find between the covers of this little book words of extraordinary potency or accents of irresistible heroism. However humiliating for my self esteem, I must confess that the counsels of Marcus Aurelius are not for me.” (A Personal Record, Conrad)

Again, thanks for what you do, and keep it up! Blessings from Atlanta, GA!


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Right?! Loving all his YouTube videos we need good quality and thoughtful productions. One of my favorite teachers!

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Yes! I totally agree! Thank you for reading my comment! 😇

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This was so brilliant! I love Marcus too 🥹 he’s like the Dad I’ve never had and have his book my my bedside and read it in the morning

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Thank you. This was great.

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